Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Mental Mania

Image result for mental math

This week I want to continue my focus with multiplication.  I remember when I was smaller growing up my dad constantly made me learn my multiplication tables.  I had to learn them from numbers one through twelve and I found it fun because he made a game out of it.  I could be playing with toys or reading a book and he would pop out of nowhere and say, "What’s 5 x 5=?" and I would smile and say twenty-five. Because it was a game, I would try to catch my father as well, but he was always faster at it than me because he was older.  Due to him telling me to memorize the multiplication table I was able to strengthen my mental math, wo when a problem was presented to me I was able to produce an answer on the spot rather than writing it down on paper.


Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 × 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each. For example, describe a context in which a total number of objects can be expressed as 5 × 7.

Image result for multiplication chart

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

First Step Multiplication

Introduction To Multiplication Guruparents Kindergarten Multiplication Worksheets

While researching I found many parents stating that there second graders are coming home with multiplication problems and they are not understanding why because when they were in school they didn't begin multiplication until they were definetly in the fourth grade and/or maybe the ending of the third grade.  So I went researching knowing and discovering that sutdents begin learning about multiplication from when they are in Kindergarten. Kindergarteners and first graders don't call it mutliplicatiion, but grouping.  I found a worksheet that teachers can use inorder to help their students.

I retrived this worksheet from 

At Last....DECIMALS!!!

The time is here were we come to the last post of this blog.  This last post I wanted to focus on a topic that can be difficult to a lot of ...